turmeric for horses

Turmeric For Horses: Is It Any Good?

Hold your horses and forget carrots, because there is a new superfood in town. While humans use it to colour rice or in our stews, horse owners have found that turmeric for horses may be the answer to their horses’ health issues. This applies especially to competition and ageing horses. Could it be as good for horses as it is for humans?

While the allure of a quick fix by using modern medicines is huge, it can also have its downfalls. Some people have realised that new-age medicines sometimes have more side effects than cures. Thus, they seek out homoeopaths and traditional healers who use plants with medicinal properties to treat the root cause of the problem.

In this instance, the root is the magical ingredient. From treating stiff joints to itchy skin conditions, it holds the golden key. Turmeric is stepping up to support your horse’s general health, including the digestive system, healthy skin, and healthy joints. So let’s look at what this amazing root can do for your horse.

What Is Turmeric?

Tumeric is part of the ginger family and is mostly grown in Southeast Asia (very popular in India). Its green leaves and orange stem easily identify it. The underground stems of the plant are used to produce the spice we know.

One of the active ingredients in turmeric is a powerful chemical compound called curcumin. Curcumin makes the plant extra special and gives it that yellow colour that is synonymous with turmeric.

While it is one of the key ingredients in making curries and other Asian dishes, turmeric has been used for centuries in talismans to ward off evil and invite prosperity. It has also been used in natural remedies and traditional medicines for a variety of ailments because of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. This versatile spice has much to offer humans and horses alike.

What Are The Benefits Of Tumeric For Horses?

Let’s delve into some of the advantages of feeding turmeric to your horses.

Joint health

Stiff joints are not fun. Getting up, sitting down, and even walking can be painful. These could be symptoms of osteoarthritis. It can also help relieve the symptoms of tendonitis and bursitis. The curcumin in turmeric can help with soothing stiffness in the joints by reducing pain and swelling. This means it can also provide cartilage support.

Respiratory health

For a horse owner, it’s difficult to watch your equine friend suffer from respiratory issues like inflammatory airway disease or something as common as allergies. While studies are still being conducted on the actual effects of turmeric in this regard, the anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin could potentially help alleviate some of the symptoms.

Healthy skin and coat

Proud horse owners know that a horse with a shiny coat looks magnificent. The antioxidants in turmeric are used to make the coat look healthy and shiny. It also helps alleviate the symptoms of pesky insect bites. Because of the natural anti-inflammatory properties, the effects of allergies and itchy skin.

Digestive system

Feeding your horse turmeric can assist with their digestive health as it can help reduce inflammation in the digestive tract. Curcumin can help reduce harmful bacteria in the gut, which aids gastrointestinal function and boosts the immune system.

Overall health

Feeding your horses turmeric can improve their general well-being. The anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant ingredients can help boost their immune systems and make them feel better.

How Much Turmeric Is Good For Horses?

You may need to speak to a qualified equine nutritionist or veterinarian to establish exactly how much turmeric you need to feed your horses. Each horse will be different based on its age, weight, health, and health issues.

The recommended dosage is around 2-3 grams per 100 kilogram. So, if your horse is 500 kg, 10 – 15 g would be the approximate dosage per feed. A kilogram of turmeric for horses should last between 40 and 50 days.

How To Feed Turmeric To Horses

Now that you have found that turmeric for horses can be good, the big question is: how do you get your horse to consume it, especially if it is a fussy eater?

Turmeric generally comes in powdered form, so it can be mixed into the horse’s feed. However, research has shown that mixing turmeric with other ingredients like black pepper, linseed oil, or flax oil makes absorption into the body easier. It can also be added to different recipes or mixed with other ingredients to make it more palatable.

These are the three most popular forms of turmeric for horses:

  • Powder: You can mix the turmeric with the horse’s regular feed. You can also mix it with oils like flaxseed, linseed, or coconut oil to improve absorption.
  • Paste: Create a paste with turmeric powder, oil, water, and cracked black pepper. You can cook it on low heat until it reaches the right consistency. The paste can be applied directly to the horse’s mouth, or you can mix it with their regular feed.
  • Supplements: If you choose to feed turmeric to your horses using a turmeric supplement, you would need to follow the packaging instructions for the correct dosage.

Turmeric Recipes For Horses

If your horse is a fussy eater, don’t despair. You can still add turmeric to his diet so that he can benefit from the curcumin.

Add some molasses to mask the turmeric, or mash up a banana into their feed. The sweetness will have them coming back for another bite.

Another way is to cook up some oats and add the turmeric. Then add chopped or grated carrots and apples. You could add some linseed meal for a better taste, too.

If you enjoy baking, you can bake a batch of horse cookies. Use oatmeal, grated carrots, and flour as the base and add molasses or honey to sweeten. Add the turmeric, ground black pepper, and oil (such as linseed or flax) for absorption. Your horse will love these treats, and he will love you!

Storage Of Turmeric For Horses

Ensure the turmeric for horses is stored in a cool, dry place. Use an airtight container and keep it out of direct sunlight. Avoid places where the turmeric would be exposed to dampness. Over time, turmeric loses its potency, so don’t stock up on it if you aren’t going to use it soon.

Tumeric Tips

  • Start slow with one teaspoon of turmeric. Watch how your horse reacts to the spice and gradually increase the dosage.
  • We all have different tastes – variety is important so that your horse doesn’t get bored with the flavours.
  • Use oil and pepper to aid in the absorption of curcumin.
  • Use different ingredients and try different flavours to find what works best for your equine friend.
  • Watch your horse – he will tell you if he likes what you’re giving him. If your horse is a picky eater, then adjust how you add turmeric or turmeric supplements to its diet.
  • Speak to a veterinarian before you start feeding turmeric to your horses.

Important Points About Turmeric For Horses

It’s important to note that turmeric for horses is not a cure-all for ailments. But just as there are benefits to a human’s health, there are also benefits to turmeric for horses. Turmeric is not a replacement for medication but should rather be used as a supplement.

Testing continues to be done on humans, horses, and other species to test the effects of curcumin.

Before you start feeding turmeric to your horses, you should consult the veterinarian to ensure that the turmeric doesn’t conflict with any other medications you may be using on the horse.

While there are numerous benefits to using turmeric for horses, there could also be side effects if the horses overconsume this golden ingredient. Too much of a good thing is never good and could lead to upset stomachs. This is rare, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.


Is turmeric safe for horses?

Yes, turmeric is safe for horses, as long as you don’t overdo it. Everything should be done in moderation. The recommended dosage is usually around 3 g for every 100 kg.

Can I use any turmeric for horses?

You should only use good-quality turmeric for horses. It should be free of additives, so organic turmeric is the best.

I already use a vitamin supplement for my horses. Should I still add a turmeric supplement?

If you add a turmeric supplement to your horse’s feed, it should be based on their individual needs. For example, if your horse suffers from digestive system problems, they may benefit greatly from the curcumin in the turmeric.

Why should I add pepper to the turmeric mix?

Pepper has an active ingredient called piperine, which helps the body’s absorption of curcumin, making it a lot more effective. The piperine increases the bioavailability of the curcumin.

Final Thoughts On Turmeric For Horses

Horse owners will find that there are many benefits to feeding turmeric to their horses. Whether you opt for turmeric powder or a turmeric supplement, by getting a little creative with the meals, your horses could enjoy this new additive. The natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of curcumin provide support for the horse’s immune system, joints, and skin.

Unlock the wonders of this natural supplement by adding turmeric powder to your horse’s feed, and you will make light work of horse healthcare.

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